Coastal Bird Conservation
Conservian's Coastal Bird Conservation (CBC) is a field-based, science-driven program dedicated to conservation and restoration of coastal bird populations and habitats. We are part of Conservian, a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to earth conservation
We strive to increase conservation of North American's most threatened coastal bird populations and their habitats within both breeding and non-breeding ranges throughout the Western Hemisphere.
Through standardized, proven methods of management and protection, we collaborate with interested partners to monitor, protect, stabilize, and restore threatened beach-nesting and migratory shorebird populations. Conservation actions implemented for shorebirds, seabirds, and their habitats benefit entire barrier beach and coastal ecosystems.
Partnering on a contractual basis with federal and state wildlife agencies, military bases, non-governmental organizations, and private property owners, Conservian works to:
Survey and monitor coastal bird populations
Enhance and implement conservation efforts
Conduct research that supports conservation needs
Provide training programs and materials
Produce conservation plans and management guideline
Provide advice and assistance on coastal restoration projects and legislation
Affiliated initially with the National Audubon Society, CBC has worked since 2003 with numerous partners to promote coastal bird conservation on the Atlantic and U.S. Gulf Coast, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
Our accomplishments include comprehensive regional and statewide surveys of breeding shorebirds along the Gulf of Mexico in Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, the Florida Panhandle, the Florida Keys, and within Tamaulipas, Mexico.
In addition to establishing monitoring and protection programs on federal, state and private lands, Conservian has produced the Wilson's Plover Range-wide Species Conservation Plan for the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network and Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences. We raise our own, annual funding and are available to work with interested organizations, corporations, and individuals in any Western Hemisphere location.
Conservian|CBC Partners include:
Bahamas National Trust
Bahamas Public Works
Dow Agro Sciences
International Conservation Fund of Canada
The Nature Conservancy of Canada
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
Southern Company
NMBCA/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Barataria Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP)
Additional resources:
Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN)
For more information, please click the button below to email us.
CONSERVIAN / Coastal Bird Conservation
P. O. 430299
Big Pine Key, FL 33043